Roy Glashan's Library

This bookshelf contains works published but not
collected in this form during the author's lifetime.
HTML1 = RGL version/HTML2 = PGA version

"Uncollected" Series — Copyrighted RGL First Editions
The Adventures of Airman Hay 2016 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Adventures of Captain Hex 2016 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Clarence Clark. M.P. 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Clarence—Private 2014 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Complete P.-C. Lee 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Companions of the Ace High 2013 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Earl of Nowhere 2013 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Elusive Dud 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The End of the Kaiser 2016 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Gospel-Truth Mortimer 2013 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Karl Lody—Germany's Great Spy 1918 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Major Haynes of the Secret Service 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Man Who Killed "X" 2014 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Patria 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Secret Service Submarine 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman 2013 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Tales of the Tanks 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Three War Stories for Children
     • Sentry No. 1
     • The Pet of the Wigshires
     • Frank the Trumpeter
Wonderful London 2014 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Worst Man in the World 2015 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
"Uncollected" Short Fiction (listed alphabetically)
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    O    P    R    S    U    V    W    Y      
The Angel Child Jan 1908 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Army Reform—Opinions of Private Smith 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Balloon and a Sceptic Jan 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Bandaged Hand (a novelette) May 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Barford "Snake" May 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Before Witnesses Feb 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Black Grippe Mar 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Blooming Aloes (a Felix Jenks story) Nov 1923 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Calm Chauffeur May 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Caretaker in Charge Aug 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Case for Angel, Esquire Mar 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Chobham Affair Dec 1930 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Death Room Mar 1923 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Deed of Gift (Fate and Mr. Hoke) Sep 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Despatch Rider Dec 1914 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Destroyer Jan 1910 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Devil Light Jul 1916 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Dream Apr 1933 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Education of King Peter May 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Five Fateful Words Jun 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Fluff Willington of Berysted, Dorking Feb 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Forest of Happy Thoughts Nov 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Get-Back (a "Sooper" story) Dec 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Girl He Kissed (The Vamp and the Librarian) Feb 1923 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Girl Who Won at Epsom Apr 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Good-bye Jun 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Greater Battle Nov 1915 HTML1 HTML EPUB
Halley's Comet, the Cowboy & Lord Dorrington May 1910 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Her Birthday (Two Rogues and a Girl) Jul 1914 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The House of the Candles (a "Sooper" story) Oct 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The House Surgeon Jun 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
If—? Aug 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Journey's End Dec 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Junior Reporter May 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The King's Birthday and Mickey's Sum 1906 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Linchela Rebellion Oct 1909 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Little Dragon of Jade (a "Sooper" story) May 1925 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Lord Exenham Creates a Sensation Feb 1918 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Limp of the Clan Chen Oct 1921 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Magnificent Ensign Smith May 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Man Who Came Back May 1920 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Man Who Married His Cook Feb 1921 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Memoirs of the Sigee Family Jun 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Mr. Miller and the Kaiser Aug 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Murder at the "Port Helm" Dec 1910 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
One Blow for Russia Apr 1905 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
One Night in Somerset Jul 1929 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Phalaenopsis Gloriosa Nov 1905 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Poisoners Mar 1935 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
A Raid on a Gambling Hell Dec 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Richard Bruce—Burglar Apr 1898 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Slip Win 1918 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Sodium Lines Dec 1923 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Speed Test Jul 1921 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Straightened Angle Dec 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Stuffing Dec 1926 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The U-Beast Jan 1919 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
Uncle Dick Dec 1910 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Vampire of Wembley May 1924 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
When the Armanic Sank Feb 1916 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
When the Tsar Came Jun 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
While the Passengers Slept Mar 1915 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB
The Yellow Box Mar 1908 HTML1 HTML2 EPUB